Saturday 23 June 2007

Being Brave

Greetings Little Ones

I recently received an enquiry from an elderly gentleman who had fantasized for his entire life about being spanked by a strong sensual woman.

He wrote to me in great detail about the scenario he wished to enact. How he imagined the lighting, the smells, the feel, what the woman would wear. He didn’t dream of thigh boots and corsets, just a simple dress, demur make up, the scene he created in his mind was all very (dare I say it) normal. BUT, it was his deep dark fantasy. Something that for years and years he had held close too afraid to express his desire, frightened that he would be judged.

I found his email both incredibly sad but also amazingly brave.

Little ones, I think that those who find the courage to express their yearning are incredible brave and it makes me so feel both proud and flattered to be honoured with such trust.

Spanking, cross dressing, sadomasochistic fantasy images of every kind, feet fetishists, sissy maid, you name it, I have heard it, and it is ALL WAY WAY WAY more common than most people realize. Statistic surveys have been completed that quote figures ranging between 10 and 22% of all men have had some level of desire to enact some form of sadomasochistic scenario and that between 7 -11% of men aged between 19 and 51 have acted on those desires. Next time you are in a crowd of men, look around you, at least one in every ten men is a closet kinkster of some kind.

Reassuring isn't it.

Be well and be wicked


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